
CinePaint is an open source computer program for painting and retouching bitmap frames of films. It is a fork of version 1.0.4 of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). It enjoyed some success as one of the earliest open source tools developed for feature motion picture visual effects and animation work. The main reason for this adoption over mainline gimp was its support for high bit depths (greater than 8-bits per channel) which can be required for film work. The mainline gimp plans to add (but has not yet added) these features . It is free software under the GNU General Public License.

CinePaint has been in use for many years in feature motion pictures. CinePaint was used by studio Rhythm & Hues for Scooby-Doo, Harry Potter, Cats & Dogs, Dr. Dolittle 2, Little Nicky, Grinch, Sixth Day, Stuart Little, and Planet of the Apes. Sony Pictures Imageworks used CinePaint for Stuart Little II. Hammerhead Productions used it for Showtime and Blue Crush, and will use it for The Fast and the Furious II.

Supported file format:


Features of CinePaint:

CinePrint has vast dynamic range : 16-bits per channel (64-bit RGBA)
  • that’s more range that can be displayed on a computer monitor,since the computer monitors are 24-bit RGB, and it is important when working with a film.It helps to prevent loss while editing.
Still Photographers and CinePaint
  • With 35mm support it helps still photographers too. Still photographers can think of CinePaint as having many more F-stops of range .CinePaint also handles 8-bit, 16-bit linear, and 16-bit float images.
  • CinePaint features the support for loss less formats such as TIFF,RLE,Cineon, and EXR, this helps the photographers to preserve the details of their photos without any loss, remember some of these formats are not even supported by Photoshop Gimp or other tools.
Other Main Features
  • Frame Manager
  • Onion Skinning support
  • 16-bit floating point support for HDR and 16-bit colour managed work flow for photographers and printers
  • Available in the following platforms: Linux, Mac Native, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Windows XP (Windows version is however broken now, a new version is in progress.)


GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free software raster graphics editor. It is primarily employed as an image retouching and editing tool and is freely available in versions tailored for most popular operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.

Its Features  :
Customizable Interface:

Each task requires a different environment and GIMP allows you to customize the view and behavior the way you like it. Starting from the widget theme, allowing you to change colors, widget spacings and icon sizes to custom tool sets in the toolbox. The interface is modulized into so called docks, allowing you to stack them into tabs or keep them open in their own window. Pressing the tab key will toggle them hidden.
GIMP features a great fullscreen mode allowing you to not only preview your artwork but also do editing work while using the most of your screen estate.
Photo Enhancement:

Each task requires a different environment and GIMP allows you to customize the view and behavior the way you like it. Starting from the widget theme, allowing you to change colors, widget spacings and icon sizes to custom tool sets in the toolbox. The interface is modulized into so called docks, allowing you to stack them into tabs or keep them open in their own window. Pressing the tab key will toggle them hidden.
GIMP features a great fullscreen mode allowing you to not only preview your artwork but also do editing work while using the most of your screen estate.

Digital Retouching:

GIMP is ideal for advanced photo retouching techniques. Get rid of unneeded details using the clone tool, or touch up minor details easily with the new healing tool. With the perspective clone tool, it's not difficult to clone objects with perspective in mind just as easily as with the orthogonal clone.

Hardware Support:

GIMP includes a very unique support for various input devices out of the box. Pressure and tilt sensitive tablets, but also a wide range of USB or MIDI controllers. You can bind often-used actions to device events such as rotating a USB wheel or moving a MIDI controller's slider. Change the size, angle or opacity of a brush while you paint, bind your favorite scripts to buttons. Speed up your workflow!

File Formats:

The file format support ranges from the common likes of JPEG (JFIF), GIF, PNG, TIFF to special use formats such as the multi-resolution and multi-color-depth Windows icon files. The architecture allows to extend GIMP's format capabilities with a plug-in. You can find some rare format support in the GIMP plugin registry.Thanks to the transparent virtual file system, it is possible to load and save files to from remote locations using protocols such as FTP, HTTP or even SMB (MS Windows shares) and SFTP/SSH.
To save disk space, any format can be saved with an archive extension such as ZIP, GZ or BZ2 and GIMP will transparently compress the file without you needing to do any extra steps.




Blender is a free open source  3D graphics  application, available under the GNU general public license  for the Linux, MAC OS X, FreeBSD , OpenBSD and Microsoft Windows  operating systems.

Features - 

Interface -
  • Non-overlapping and non-blocking UI delivers unsurpassed workflow
  • Flexible and fully configurable window layout with as many screen setups as you prefer
  • Undo support on all levels
  • Anti-aliased fonts with international translation support
  • Any window space can be easily switched to any window type (curve editor, NLA, 3D view etc)
  • Built-in text editor for annotations and editing Python scripts
  • Graphical user interface for Python scripts
  • Fully scriptable UI with custom themes
  • Consistent interface across all platforms
  • A range of 3D object types including polygon meshes, NURBS surfaces, bezier and B-spline curves, metaballs, vector fonts (TrueType, PostScript, OpenType)
  • Very fast Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces with optimal iso-lines display and sharpness editing
  • Full multiresolution sculpting capabilities with 2D bitmap/3D procedural brushes (Paint, Smooth, Pinch, Inflate, Grab) supporting symmetry
  • Modifier stack deformers such as Lattice, Curve, Armature or Displace
  • Mirror modifier with middle vertices clipping and automatic deletion of inner faces
  • Non destructive real time Boolean and Array modifiers
  • Mesh modeling based on vertex, edge and/or face selection
  • Smooth soft selection editing tools for organic modeling
  • Python scripting access for custom tools
  • Fast skeleton creation mode
  • Interactive 3D paint for vertex weighting
  • Fast envelope based skinning
  • Automatic Skinning that really works (heat equilibrium based)
  • Mirror editing (bone creation and weight painting)
  • Double Quaternion deformation reduces shrinking and other bone deformation errors
  • Volume deformer uses a mesh cage to deform complex meshes with great results
  • Bone layers and colored groups for better rig organization
  • B-spline interpolated bones; forget about elbow twists
  • Constraint stack for IK solver setup and other constraints
  • PyConstraints; if you need something not yet implemented code it in python with real time feed back, no compiling needed
  • Fast inbuilt raytracer
  • Oversampling, motion blur, post-production effects, fields, non-square pixels
  • Tile-based and fully threaded
  • Render layers and passes
  • Render baking to UV maps and object to object baking (full render, ambient occlusion, normals, textures)
  • Render engine tightly integrated with the node compositor
  • Halo, lens flares and fog effects
  • Vector motion-blur post-process effect (using node compositor)
  • Realistic defocus (DOF) post-process effect (using node compositor)
  • Edge rendering for toon shading
  • Interactive preview rendering panel in any 3d view
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Approximate Global Illumunination
  • Export scripts available for external renderers such as Renderman, Povray, Virtualight, Lux, Indigo and V-Ray - See Resources for a full list.
  • Armature (skeleton) deformation with forward/inverse kinematics with pole target support
  • Auto IK allows posing FK chains easily
  • Non-linear animation editor for mixing individual actions created in Action editor
  • Automated walkcycles along paths
  • Animated constraint system
  • Vertex key framing for morphing, with controlling sliders
  • Edit and create new blendshapes from existing targets
  • Character animation pose editor
  • 'Ipo' system integrates both motion curve and traditional key-frame editing
  • Audio playback, mixing and editing support for sound synchronisation
  • Timeline offers fast acces to many playback functions, autokey, help markers
  • Python scripting access for custom and procedural animation effects
  • Diffuse shaders such as Lambert, Minnaert, Toon, Oren-Nayar, Lambert
  • Specular shaders such as WardIso, Toon, Blinn, Phong, CookTorr
  • Node editor for creating and mixing complex materials
  • PyNodes: write your own Python shaders with realtime feedback, no need to compile
  • Material previews rendered by main render engine
  • Fast, realistic subsurface scattering
  • Blurry reflections and refractions
  • Tangent shading to give any shader an anisotropic effect
  • Versatile procedural textures system
  • Reflection maps
  • Normal, displacement and bump maps
Realtime 3D/ Game creation -
  • Graphical logic editor for defining interactive behavior without programming
  • Collision detection and dynamics simulation now support Bullet Physics Library. Bullet is an open source collision detection and rigid body dynamics library developed for Play Station 3
  • Shape types: Convex polyhedron, box, sphere, cone, cylinder, capsule, compound, and static triangle mesh with auto deactivation mode
  • Discrete collision detection for RigidBody simulation
  • Support for in-game activation of dynamic constraints
  • Full support for vehicle dynamics, including spring reactions, stiffness, damping, tyre friction etc
  • Python scripting API for sophisticated control and AI, fully defined advanced game logic
  • Support all OpenGLTM lighting modes, including transparencies, Animated and reflection-mapped textures
  • Support for multimaterials, multitexture and texture blending modes, per-pixel lighting, dynamic lighting, mapping modes, GLSL vertexPaint texture blending, toon shading, animated materials, support for Normal Maping and Parallax Mapping
  • Playback of games and interactive 3D content without compiling or preprocessing
  • Audio, using the SDL toolkit
  • Multi-layering of Scenes for overlay interfaces